An Attitude of Muslims To Acts of Isra' Mi'raj

News that came in the story of Isra' Mi'raj as he should arrive Baitul Maqdis, then met with the prophets and their prayers were priests, as well as other news contained in the authentic hadiths are unseen matter. Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah attitude to stories like this should include the following rules:
1. Receiving the news
2. Believe in the truth of the news
3. Not reject the news or alter the news in accordance with reality.

Our duty is to believe according to the news that comes to all those cases the unseen God be telling us or reported by the Prophet Muhammad.

We should imitate nature of the Companions radhiyallahu ‘anhu. Against the word of God and His Apostle. Narrated in a history that after the events of Isra 'Miraj, the idolaters come Abu Bakar ash as Siddiq radi' anhu. they say:

See what your friends say (that is Muhammad)! "Abu Bakar said:" What did he say? ". the idolaters say:" He thought that he had gone to the Baitul Maqdis and then raised to the sky, and the event only lasted one night. "Abu Bakar said:" if he were to say, it really news that he is true to say because of the seriousness he is an honest man ". The idolaters back asking: "why?". Abu Bakar replied: "I confirmed the news if more than you preach. I confirmed the sky down to the Prophet Muhammad, how could I not justify a trip to the Baitul maqdis about this?" (Hadith narrated by Imam Hakim in Al Mustadrak 4407 from ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha).

Notice how the attitude of Abu Bakar radi 'anhu to the news that comes from the prophet. Abu Bakar immediately justify and believe the news. He's not much to ask, although the event is impossible to do with the technology at the time. So should be the attitude of a Muslim to any authentic news of God and the Prophet (Muhammad).

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